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Last change: 18.08.2004

IrDA infraport for towered PC

IrDA infraport is used for full duplex data transmission between towered PC and any other device that supports IrDA transmission (i.e. cellular phone, notebook, printer, towered PC, pocket computers, digital camera, PDA, etc.) for distance max.1m. Devices should be pointed approx. against each others IrDA sensors. Warranty on IrDA infraport lasts 24 months.
This is for price only 15 EUR.
IrDA in red case IrDA in white case IrDA in blue case IrDA in green case detail IrDA infraport

In case of connecting a towered PC and cellular phone there is a cellular phone modem for transmitting faxes, Emails but also connection to the internet - with utilities, which are mostly in the internet for free for each type of cell. phone. You can send SMS-messages written on the keyboard of PC, you can synchronize your address-book from cell. phone or back-up necessary data on PC in some special programs.
    To use our infraport you must connect the IrDA connector to the main-board. All of modern main-boards support IrDA well. The easiest way to find out that your BIOS supports it is to look in the user manual to the main-board or BIOS. This IrDA infrapot was successfully tested with main-boards Abit, Asus, Chaintech. You can use any operating system that supports IrDA communication, i.e. Linux, Win98, Win 2000, Me, Win XP

    Delivery contains:

    1. Installation manual with important info about fitting and configuring in Os.
    2. Tested IrDA infraport with cable and connector for main-board with mechanism for fitting the sensors to the front panel.

    Mechanical fitting:
    You can fit the IrDA infraport to the second 3,5 inch drive socket on the front panel (in the first is usually the floppy drive).

    the IrDA infraport to the second 3,5 inch drive socketon

    You can also use a special case with pre-prepared holes (look on the picture).
    The special case with pre-prepared holes

    If you're interested and want to know more, just write to me at:
    After a accurate testing of IrDA infraport I'll send it mail.

    How you can order this IrDA infraport?
    1. Fill the form or write order Email to me.

    Given IrDA is possible to order either by below given formulary or by Email.

    Your full name:
    ZIP code :

    6pin connector 6 pin connector

    5pin connector 5 pin connector

    2x3pin connector 2x3 pin con.

    4pin connector 4 pin connector

    connector PS2 (mini DIN). PS2 mini DIN

    connector 8pinminiDIN. 8pin mini DIN

    other ??? Put comment !

    Select color case for IrDA infraportu :
    In orange case :
    In clear case :
    In blue case :
    In green case :
    Non case :
    You can order by Email here with following informations:

    Subject: IrDA ordering
    I'm ordering one IrDA infraport for towered PC.
    Full name:
    Address (where to send the IrDA infraport):
    Select color case or none case for IrDA infraport :

    2. Send money at my account or cheque at my address.

    One way of payment is to send money per a cheque to my address:
    Ing. Piricky Peter
    Turisticka 32

    Second way of payment is sending money at my account:
    name of account : Piricky Peter
    number of account IBAN: SK 43 65 00 00 00 00 00 10 85 57 23
    Bank name BIC: POBNSKBA
    Bank name(in Slovakia): Postova Banka
    code of bank : 6500

    As soon as I receive cheque to my address or money to my account, I will send you a product to your address.

    Keywords: IrDA Linux Windows 98 2000 Me Win XP infra red connection shared homemade howto connect remotely to the internet homemade Lan networkwithout NIC ako urobi sie bez sieovej karty NOKIA ERICSSON mobil PDA